
What the Fed’s Rate Cut Means for You

The Federal Reserve just reduced interest rates for the first time in four years. Here’s how it will impact borrowers and saver What goes up must come down, and after four years, that’s finally true about interest rates. The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark rate on...

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The Zombie Rule

  By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF® IRA Analyst This article is NOT about the “ghost rule” applicable to non-living beneficiaries. That payout rule applies when a non-person beneficiary (like an estate) inherits an IRA when the original owner died on or after his required...

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Nuances of NUA

We have written about the net unrealized appreciation (NUA) tax strategy many times. Generally, after a lump sum distribution from the plan, the NUA tactic enables an eligible person to pay long term capital gains (LTCG) tax on the growth of company stock that...

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Recharacterization Still Exists

By Andy Ives, CFP®, AIF® IRA Analyst   When a traditional IRA owner wants to convert all or a portion of his account to a Roth IRA, he needs to think long and hard about the transaction. For example, some questions to consider: 1. When will this money be needed?...

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